IndabaX Conference on Artificial Intelligence (C2IA)

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Indabax Abidjan - first edition

On Thursday, July 15, 2021, the first edition of the IndabaX Conference on Artificial Intelligence (C2IA) took place at the Mathematics and Computer Science Unit (UFR) of Félix Houphouët-Boigny University.

This scientific event was organized by the 'Mechanics and Computer Science' laboratory of the aforementioned UFR in partnership with the Intelligent Digital Transformation and Data Strategies (IDTDS) center, which aims to promote digital transformation, artificial intelligence (AI), and Big data in Africa.

In recent years, according to experts, the world has been experiencing a fourth industrial revolution driven by digitalization and artificial intelligence. This conference, which aligns with this trend, aims to popularize, promote, and facilitate the development of artificial intelligence in Côte d'Ivoire, with the goal of making it a cornerstone of our country's development process.

This event saw the participation of a representative from the Ministry of Digital Economy, Telecommunications, and Innovation, as well as a delegation from the Ivorian Electricity Company (CIE).

The theme addressed during this conference is: 'Theories and Applications of Artificial Intelligence.' Around this theme, the benefits of AI were mentioned, such as task automation, augmentation of human capabilities, as well as the reliability and efficiency of systems. Various applications of AI in different domains were presented, including security (facial recognition and signature authentication), energy (electric grid management), healthcare (medical diagnosis assistance), agriculture (pattern recognition), economics and politics (decision support), and language and communication (automatic language translation).

A panel on the theme 'Contribution of AI to the development process of Côte d'Ivoire' was led by distinguished experts from the academic and professional spheres.

The day concluded with the awarding of diplomas and the closing speech by the President of the scientific committee.

Here are some images from the event.


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